
Currencies & Payments

Find out more about the local currencies & means of payments

Find out how to easily exchange money and pay for products and services during your trip.

Local currencies

Germany, Austria and Italy all use the Euro (EUR) while Switzerland and Liechtenstein use the Swiss Franc (CHF).

It’s worth noting that Euros are widely accepted in Switzerland and Liechtenstein if you’re in a pinch, but it’s best to pay with Swiss Francs if you can.

Currency exchange

Foreign currency exchange is available at banks, tourist offices, post offices in cities and some of the larger hotels. There are also bureaux de change, but they tend to charge much higher commission and fees.

For awareness, you can see current conversion rates at

Credit cards and payments

Credit and debit cards are widely accepted in the Alps, so you don’t need to bring too much cash. You’ll find that mobile payments, like Apple Pay, are also widely accepted in the major cities.

In more rural areas, we recommend bringing some cash with you as well as using cards.


ATMs are points where you can withdraw cash. They’re typically called “geldautomat” in Germany and Liechtenstein, “bancomat” in Switzerland and Italy, and “bankomat” in Austria.

They can be found adjacent to many banks and near busy public places, like shopping centres and central train stations. You can withdraw cash using major credit cards or Cirrus, Visa Electron or Plus debit cards with a 4-digit PIN.

Banking fees for ATM withdrawals and foreign transactions vary widely. So please check the rates with your own bank before travelling.

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