
Driving in the Alps

Prepare to hit the road

Are you ready to take the wheel for your road trip through the Alps? Read on for more local travel tips.

Your rental car

When you book an Alps self-drive tour with Nordic Visitor, you’ll be able to pick the rental vehicle of your choice from the tour page.

During your trip, you’ll have unlimited mileage, collision damage waiver and 2 authorised drivers. This way you can share the driving experience with your travel partner!

When you arrive at the rental office, it’s important that you read carefully through your rental vehicle agreement. Ask questions if you find any information unclear. You could also decide to add extra insurance for your peace of mind. This is all done directly with the agent.

Before you set off with your car, make sure it’s in good condition. Check all lights and the spare tire.

What you’ll need

To get on the road, you’ll need your driving licence and your credit card for insurance.

You may also need an international driving permit (IDP) if your driving licence doesn’t mention your vehicle of choice in latin script. We suggest checking official government websites before your trip, to avoid any surprises.

If you are visiting from a country outside of the EU or EEA, the Austrian government requires all drivers to have an IDP. This applies to visitors from the United States, Canada and Australia, but does not apply to visitors from the UK.

Repairs and breakdowns

When hiring a car, you are responsible for changing a flat tire and getting it repaired. So make sure to have an intact spare tire at all times. In case of a major breakdown, contact your vehicle rental agent before notifying your Nordic Visitor travel consultant.

Safe driving in the Alps

Here are some quick facts about driving safely:

  • In general, you can expect well-maintained roads of a high standard.
  • As in most European countries, drivers drive on the right side of the road.
  • Please note that you must wear a seat belt.
  • Talking on a mobile phone is illegal while at the wheel.
  • Drinking and driving is punished with severe penalties.

Petrol stations

Make sure to check which type of fuel your rental car requires before filling up the tank. This is usually labelled on the cover of the gas cap.

In urban areas you’ll find plenty of petrol (gas) stations, many of which are self-service and open 24 hours a day. Please note that you will require a credit or debit card with a 4 digit PIN code to pay at a self-service station.

If you do not have a card with PIN we recommend using larger service stations with kiosks where you can pay inside.

In rural areas the petrol stations may not be as plentiful. Keep an eye on your fuel level as you drive through these regions, and plan a detour if your level is getting low.

Along motorways and carriageways, you’ll find service stations where you could stop to fill up, use the toilets or grab a snack.


Some hotels offer overnight parking for their guests, but it’s not a given. You can find paid parking in many downtown areas in cities. Fees vary depending on where you are, so you’ll need to check locally for exact fees.

Most ticket machines require coins, but more and more you can pay by card or via apps (for example, EasyPark). Please note that internet access will be required if you opt to use an app to purchase a parking session.

Keep in mind that parking fines are high in city centres. Illegally parked cars may be towed at the driver’s expense, so be careful.

Speed limits

In the Alps, you’ll notice that speed limits are posted in kilometres per hour (km/h). They differ slightly between countries, so keep an eye out during your travels.

Fines for speed, parking and traffic violations

You’ll find that speeding fines are quite steep throughout the Alps, and they rise quickly as your speed increases. Speed cameras are also posted along many roadsides around the region.

Remember, these countries are incredibly beautiful, so there is no need to hurry. Enjoy the journey and the views!

Toll roads

You might encounter tolls during your road trip in the Alps. In Switzerland and Austria, for example, all cars are required to pay tolls to use motorways and expressways.

You can purchase access to these toll roads at each country’s border, or online ahead of your visit. In 2024, the cost is ₣40 in for Switzerland and €11.50 for Austria.


There’s lots of roundabouts in the Alps, so it’s important to know how to navigate them. Always enter them from the right, and give way to all vehicles coming from your left.

Some large roundabouts have traffic lights, so make sure to stop when you come to a red light.

Road tunnels & mountain passes

Some of the cities you’ll visit have road tunnels. They’re typically two-lane but they vary depending on the location.

Mountain passes in the Alps are long and winding, and driving them can cause your car’s brakes to overheat. To avoid this, drive in a low gear so you don’t have to brake hard or often.

Other hazards

Due to the high altitude of a lot of the roads in the Alps, it’s not unusual to experience snow, ice or stormy conditions even in summer. If roads aren’t passable, there will be a diversion for you to follow. We suggest checking the weather before you set off.

Make sure you keep an eye out for any farm traffic or wildlife on the roads as well. If you do encounter these, drive slowly behind them at a safe distance until they leave the road or it is safe to overtake.

You might also come across “hairpin turns” as you go up and down the mountains. These are very tight turns, and you’ll often encounter many in a short distance. Drive slowly, especially when making the turn, and make sure to stay in the right-hand lane.

Hopefully these tips will help you have a memorable road trip!

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