
Health & Safety

How to find pharmacies, medical help and emergency assistance

The countries you’ll be visiting on your Alpine adventure are all famously safe for travellers. That being said, we’ve listed some useful information below, just in case of an emergency.

Emergency services

For any life-threatening injuries, call 112 to reach the emergency services, wherever you are in the Alps.


For emergency dental treatment, go to the nearest hospital.


You’ll find pharmacies in all major cities and most towns throughout the Alps. They sell general medicines like painkillers and allergy relief. Their staff can also offer advice on minor medical issues. They are all generally open Monday–Saturday between 9 AM – 5PM and some have limited opening hours on Sundays.

It’s useful to know what pharmacies are called in German, French and Italian as these are among the most commonly spoken languages across the Alps.

German French Italian
Apotheke Pharmacie Farmacia

Pharmacy signs tend to display either a red “a” or a green cross symbol on a white background.

Health Insurance

We urge you and all travellers in your party to purchase comprehensive travel insurance ahead of your trip. Insurance is not available through Nordic Visitor and our Cancellation Protection doesn’t replace travel insurance.

Citizens of EEA countries must carry their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) otherwise the patient will be charged in full.

If you’re from another country, you will be charged in full. You can claim money back from your insurer, depending on your policy.

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