
Time & Daylight

When can you expect sunrises and sunsets?

Find out about which time zone the Alpine counties are located in and the kind of daylight hours you’ll experience.

What time zones are the Alps in?

Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Liechtenstein are all in Central European Time (CET). CET is 1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (or GMT+1).

It’s good to be aware that all these countries observe daylight saving time, or “summer time”. In spring, the clock shifts forward by 1 hour and in autumn it moves back 1 hour.

When does the sun rise and set in the Alps?

The Alps are located in Central Europe, which means they have a relatively steady amount of daylight at all times of the year.

In summer you can expect around 13 hours of daylight, while in winter you’ll get around 11 hours. This makes these countries the perfect destination for sightseeing to your heart’s content.

Contact our travel consultants if you want to know more about travelling in the Alps.

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